2014 Maine Birder Bands

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bird band tag

The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (DIFW) recently announced that 2014 Maine Birder Bands are available for sale. Priced at $20, the Maine birder band similar to ones that biologists use to band wild turkeys and Canada geese.

The band is meant to fit on a camera or binocular strap and has a unique number registered in the owner’s name. If a banded item becomes lost, the finder can call the IFW number on the band and the item can be returned to the owner.

Over the years, Maine birder bands have returned several pairs of binoculars and a set of car keys, according to DIFW.

Proceeds from the Maine Birder band help the state’s non-game birds. While some game birds such as waterfowl receive dedicated federal funds, over 90% of Maine’s 292 bird species do not. The Maine Birder Band has already generated over $20,000 that goes directly to helping protect Maine’s non-game birds.

Wildlife enthusiasts can obtain a Maine Birder Band by visiting the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife online store. For more information, visit http://www.maine.gov/ifw/

source: Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife